Notation, Notation, Notation

Simon Brown -inventor of the C4 model – recently came up with a checklist about diagrams and notations.

A few people have asked me for this recently so … if you’re looking for my software architecture diagram notation checklist, you can find it here…

Software Architecture Diagram Review Checklist

Although it seems obvious what is checked in this list, almost every single diagram I have encountered in my career did not provide all the information. Copy it, print it, as an architect (and software developer) carry it with you – and use it.


Unit Testing CheatSheet

I am a big fan of cheat sheets. Some time a go I created a cheat sheet for test driven development (TDD) unit testing. Recently I looked at it and thought it might be worth sharing it. It covers the Right-BICEP, CORRECT and A-TRIP principles introduced in Pragmatic Unit Testing by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas.

Ilker pointed out, that the TDD cheat sheet is quite misleading. That’s right and if you see the cheat sheet is called Pragmatic Unit Testing CheatSheet. To keep consistency, I tried to remove TDD as good as possible, even from the file names.


Download:  PDF or XPS (zipped)