Currently, I commute roundabout 1 hour a day each way. Mainly caused by construction sites and daily crashes on the highway, I spend way too much time in the car. Therefore, I started to listen podcasts about two years ago on a regular base.
For several months, I now had quite a fixed setup of Germany podcasts, I listen throughout the week. Said this, all podcast are German only. There are some additional English speaking podcasts on my backlog, not mentioned here.
Bits und so

Bits und so is my favorite podcast about Apple. This podcast provides 2-3h information about new developments not only but mostly about Apple products and service. This is one of the most professional podcast you might find hosted by Timo Hetzel.
Der Nintendo Podcast

Hosted by Lukas Schmid and Johannes Gehrling, this is the very only Germany speaking podcast covering Nintendo topics. It is offered on a weekly base – about 1 – 1,5h of new information and a lot of chitchat about Nintendo related topics, including special guests and flashback episodes covering the Nintendo history.
PC Games Podcast

Also on a weekly base, the PC Games Podcast provides information based on one of the hardest jobs on earth: playing Games. If you want to stay up to day this is a great add on to the PC Games magazine, though.
Spieleveteranen Podcast

This is a must if you grew up with Atari, C64, Amiga and all the other stuff. If you know Kaiser, Hanse, Baldurs Gate this is a must. You will have high-res flashbacks of you childhood. Promised. Hosted by Heinrich Lenhardt und Jörg Langer, there is also a PATERON bonus program with additional episodes available.