Due to some issues with the NVidia GeForce Fx Go 5200 graphics card of the Toshiba m200 Tablet PC, I got some modified shader files for this card, with permission to put them on the Channel9 sandbox.
“Together with the Redmond group we did some experiments using several different shader files with the Robotics Studio Simulation Environment and a NVidia GeForce Fx Go 5200 graphics chips with 32MB memory as it is found on the Toshiba m200 Tablet PC”
The archive contains two shader files. Unpack and copy the files into the folder store\media within your MSRS directory.
I have tested these files with the chipset mentioned above and the November CTP of the Robotics Studio.
As it works with the mobile version of the chipset, the shaders may also work with the NVidia GeForce Fx 5200 as well as with other chipsets. Please contribute in testing your graphics card (as it does not work with the November CTP) and let the team know if your graphics card does run the simulation with these shader files.”
The files can be downloaded directly from Channel9.