LibraryThing Widget

I just spend some minutes this evening updating the LibraryThing Widget CSS styles.

LibraryThing Widget

The DIV classes used by LibraryThing are as follows:

.LTwrapper .LTheader .LTitem .LTprovided

LTwrapper is for the whole widget, LTheader only for the “Random books I have” line, Ltitem for each book and finally .LTprovided for the footer “powered by LibraryThing”.

However, to get some more flexibility in the layout you should make usage of the cascading property in CSS and define the .LTitem img class to position the images. It could look like the following then:

.LTitem img { float: right; margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px; }


I mentioned it before today: I started to create my virtual book shelf for technical books in LibraryThing a few days ago. It allows you adding new books by simply selecting them from a list. By entering the title, author or ISBN number you just query one of many book directories such as the Library of Congress or simply If you don’t find your book (e.g. in my case a couple of German books) you can add alternative Amazon websites. There are some interesting features in this kind of features I am interested in: (1) you can export your information to tab-delimited or CSV files. (2) You can easy access all the book information including cover images without typing all the information in first. (3) LibraryThing provides an API to access the information. I haven’t found time to check the API yet, but it allows you to receive simple information based on the submitted ISBN, title or language of the book.




Already scrobbled today?

“Scrobbling a song means that when you listen to it, the name of the song is sent to and added to your music profile.”

I just downloaded iScrobble and added a LastFM widget to this page. Unfortunately, the widget does not fit 100%. So, I have to modify the page layout a bit soon.

The tool does permanently upload your played songs (including syncing the iPod playlist). Welcome to the new world. Big brother – and the media industry is watching what you are listening. However, LastFM provides some great possibilities so search for similar music and artists.


SyncToy 1.4

SyncToySynchronizing my laptop folders with three servers on different locations makes it difficult to keep track of what is already copied. SyncToy 1.4 should help me in getting this managed since I haven’t used it on my new machine yet and my XP machine still running version 1.2.

Remote Desktop Connection for Mac

Remote Desktop Connection Client for MacRemote Desktop Connection Client for Mac is here. Working on my Mac mini, sometimes I had to do things on my server. Consequently, I had to start one of my machines to connect to to the server remotely. Using the Remote Desktop Connection Client that’s a thing of the past. there are some nice features, not seen on the Windows client, that way: copy and paste seems to be working from and to the host system and you can print on your Mac printer while being in the remote session.

The Lost Powertoys

After years of using Windows XP, I got used to some additional features provided by Microsoft Windows XP Powertoys. Coming with a couple of new features I still missing some very essential tools for my daily work. The two things I miss the most are Open Command Window Here and Image Resizer.

Pressing shift while clicking a folder in Explorer brings up the Open Command Window then.

Open Command Window Here