World’s Best Pizza

I was never lucky in making pizza. Finally, I came across a recipe for a great pizza dough which actually results in, in fact, the world’s best pizza.

For two pizzas you simply need

150 gr. Hard wheat Semolina
75 gr. Semola di Grano Duro Rimacinata
75 gr. Farina di Grano tenero TIPO “00”
180 gr. Water
6 gr. Salt
3 gr. Freash yeast
Olive oil

I was pointed to this recipe in one of the podcast episode of Bits und so. You can read the whole recipe in this forum, German only though.

Pug it and leave it for at least 48 hours in the fridge. Said that you can leave it there also for 2 weeks. It gets even better the longer it sits there.

We get perfect results out of our simple kitchen oven by using a pizza stone from Pimotti which I picked up at Amazon.

As a result you get fabulous pizza:

The Missing Gadget – USB Charging Port at Microsoft Surface AC Adapter

I currently work in a clean desk office space. Every evening, I pick up everything belonging to me beside the monitors. Every morning I come, I prepare the desk. Putting my laptop there, attaching the power plug, the monitors and so on.

Every morning I get all my devices out of my bag. And every morning I see the same picture.

My daily USB conneectors

And here begins the fun. I currently use a Microsoft Surface Pro – and while I truly love this device and it’s functionality, the USB capabilities are a major drawback. Similar to my MacBook which only provides one USB-C port, the Surface only has one standard USB port.

Microsoft Surface with only one USB port

Most of the devices I can switch based on the particular need (at the desk, in the meeting). However, most of the time, the USB port is occupied to load my mobile devices. Headphones, phone, one more phone, battery pack need to be charged during the day.

Why are USB power outlets on workplaces not a standard, nowadays? On my desk I find power outlets and netport ports. However, no possibility to charge my USB devices. Maybe you have this already on your working space, but here, we don’t have it.

Eventually, Microsoft Surface AC adapter comes with a very simple solution . It provides a USB power outlet allowing you to charge your devices without the need to occupy one (or the one) USB port of your laptop.

This solution is just obvious and practical. I wonder why this is not a standard on AC adapters meanwhile. I hope to see this more often in the future.